Services & Pricing

Diagnostic Review

Our Diagnostic Review is a comprehensive and in-depth analysis of your current financial records and bookkeeping processes. We go beyond the surface and dive deep into the intricacies of your financial data, uncovering hidden insights and potential areas for improvement.

Key Features

-> Thorough Financial Assessment 
-> Identification of Inefficiencies
-> Risk Assessment
-> Data Integrity Check
-> Compliance Evaluation
-> Customized Recommendations


-> Financial Clarity
-> Cost Savings
-> Risk Mitigation
-> Time Savings
-> Compliance Assurance

Cleanup Messy Book

Our Cleanup Messy Book service is designed to rescue your financial records from the brink of disarray. Whether it’s a pile of unsorted receipts, inconsistent transactions, or accounting errors, we’ve got you covered. We’ll take your messy books and transform them into a clear, accurate, and compliant financial record.

Key Features

-> Comprehensive Assessment
-> Transaction Reconciliation
-> Error Resolution
-> Streamlined Processes
-> Tax Compliance


-> Financial Clarity
-> Time Savings
-> Cost Savings
-> Compliance Assurance
-> Improved Decision-Making

Payroll Recording

Our Payroll Recording service is a comprehensive solution for businesses seeking to maintain accurate and up-to-date payroll records. We take care of every aspect of payroll management, from tracking employee hours to tax withholdings, so you can rest easy knowing your team is compensated correctly and on time.

Key Features

-> Employee Data Management
-> Time and Attendance Tracking
-> Tax Compliance
-> Direct Deposit Services
-> Custom Payroll Reports


-> Time Savings
-> Accuracy
-> Compliance
-> Employee Satisfaction
-> Cost Efficiency

Monthly Bookkeeping

Our Monthly Bookkeeping service is a proactive and ongoing solution that keeps your financial records in top shape. We work with you every month to record, categorize, and reconcile transactions, providing you with a real-time financial snapshot of your business.

Key Features

-> Data Entry and Recording
-> Account Reconciliation
-> Expense Categorization
-> Financial Reporting
-> Tax-Ready Records


-> Timely Decision-Making
-> Stress Reduction
-> Cost Savings
-> Business Growth
-> Compliance Assurance


Diagnostic Review

Price On Revenue

$ 300 / Million
  • Price On Transaction
  • -> $1 / 5 Transaction
  • -> 5% Discount On $1K Quotation

Cleanup Messy Book

Price On Revenue

$ 450 / Million
  • Price On Transaction
  • -> $2 / 5 Transaction
  • -> 5% Discount On $1K Quotation

Payroll Recording

Price Per Employee

$ 50 / Employee
  • Price Per Employee
  • -> Not Negotiable
  • -> No Discount

Monthly Bookkeeping

Price On Revenue

$ 750 / Million
  • Price On Transaction
  • -> $2 / 3 Transaction
  • -> 5% Discount On $1K Quotation


Need Best Help For Bookkeeping Service?

We are committed to providing reliable and accurate bookkeeping services, enabling our clients to make informed decisions and take control of their financial futures. With a customer-centric approach, we focus on tailoring our solutions to meet the unique needs of each business, ensuring their financial records are up-to-date and error-free. So why hesitate? 

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